Thursday, July 19, 2007

Alpine Landscapes at Thredbo

…. An environmental meditation

Sat 24 Dec 1992 .....

An afternoon walk in the alpine bush …… a sequence of impressions and poetic images of the spirit of this section of the Australian landscape ….. a sense of oneness beyond myself …. Of transcendence ….. of contemplation …. The silence of self listening with inner ears, eyes and touch …. An unseen realm inner restoration ……. a Christian meditation on the bush.

Section 1: A path winding through this bush garden ….. earth ochre coloured and threadbare …. Grass edged …. Passes through trunks twisted in sinuous shapes ….. massed trunked …. .multiple mallee formed snow gums ….. eucalypts in grey - green , cream – olive bark coats of overlayed strips in mellow summer sun …. Grey – blue foliage clumped on the ends of twiggy branches …. Soft sounds of breeze over hatted ears …… brisk coolness on bare skin …… more felt than heard …. Bird calls in the surrounding bush …… wind gentle on the grey – blue eucalypt leaves ….. soft sounds ….. water swirling in the distance from the nearby stream ….. granite boulders like earth bones , protrude through the earth in solid rounded masses …. .soft shapes softened with lichen surfaces …. Splotched and sombre …. The base ground covered with moist mats of moss, carpet green …. Grass clumps in creviced spaces ….. beneath the trees, stripped bark in tan – brown stringy strips on mats off fallen leaves …… a soft patching now on the threadbare path.

Section 2: The path leads on across the open rooms in the crowded eucalypt trunks ….. Alpine meadow of hoveas, purple flowered in shrubby clumps ….. blue – grey grassed edged ….. the Spirit of the Australian bush ….. wilderness …. God breathed …untouched .. a sense of the Infinite Beyond ….. yet a oneness with myself ….. finite and personal at the same time …. A visiting of inner and outer worlds …. A healing of the inner self ….. restoring of that intangible inner person …… leading to new meaning and a sense of peace.

Section 3: The path leads on along the stream which could be heard distantly in the background …… now load, sounds cascading ….. water white – washed, wet , tumbling, turbulent over rounded rocks, a rhythmic sound soothing to the soul …. Pools gold, glimmering in the shafts of light ….. dark corners … here lurks the wily trout which slips away at the slightest movement …. Clean sand ……. water - washed rocks rolled round by yearly floods …. As shadowed shapes beneath the shimmering surface

My Walk: time out , silence in this space of time ….. words - caught like an elusive butterfly on the breeze ……. Wilderness garden inner peace ….. Thank you God.


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